Shuttlecocks 101 + Durability Tips + Speed Comparison Chart

badminton white goose duck feather shuttlecock

Good quality shuttlecocks is a vital part of a badminton game. Players should always use the best shuttlecocks suitable for the playing environment.

The hardness of the feather skirt varies depending on temperature. In colder weather, the feathers become harder, making them slower are more prone to breaking. In hotter weather, the feathers become softer and less likely to break, and as a result shuttle speed is faster too.

There are fake, factory reject and shuttles which have been stored for too long in the market. Be wary of cheap shuttles which are usually too slow and brittle because their feathers are either too thin or too dry and light because most humidity in the feathers has been evaporated. Their flight performance is irregular and often suddenly drops down sharply so that you would miss your shot.  You need to exercise extra strength to hit them and may injure your arm, wrist, elbow, shoulder or back. You may need to use more shuttles in a game which eventually would cost you more.

To improve durability of shuttlecocks, they should be stored at places away from high temperature. The tube should also be kept upright with the cork side of the shuttlecock facing down.

Please use correct speed of shuttles which would be best suited to your playing environment. The shuttle speed comparison chart below outlines common shuttle speeds used in Australia and internationally.

Speed (AUS) (Metric Weight)Speed (EU/ASIA) (Grain)Code (JAP/KOREA)Temperature